
How to build natural swimming pools?

Natural swimming pools provide a more eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing alternative to chlorine pools, using natural filtration systems with plants and beneficial bacteria to keep the water clean. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to create your own natural pool:

  1. Planning and Design

Assess Your Space: Evaluate the space in your backyard to determine where best to construct your natural pool, taking into account factors like sunlight exposure which is crucial for plants used as filters in its construction process.

Choose a Pool Design: Determine the shape, size and depth of your pool. Natural swimming pools typically consist of two zones: swimming area (where you’ll spend most of your time swimming) and regeneration (containing aquatic plants that filter the water naturally).

Sketch a Design: Draw out a detailed plan which includes dimensions for both zones, locations for any filtration plants, as well as features like waterfalls or streams.

  1. Permits and Regulations

Investigate Local Regulations: Be sure that your pool complies with all relevant building and environmental codes in the area where it will be situated, in terms of both legal requirements and aesthetic appeal.

Secure Permits: Before beginning pool construction, seek permission from both your local government and building authority for all required permits to ensure legality and safety of construction.

  1. Site Prep

Outline the Pool Area with Stakes and String: Staking out and string-outlining your pool on the ground will allow you to visualize its final appearance as well as guide its excavation process. This step also serves to visualize and facilitate any excavation processes required during this step.

Excavate Your Site: When excavating, either hire professionals or rent excavation equipment in order to dig a hole for your pool. Remember to dig deeper in the swimming zone than regeneration zone, as well as matching its design dimensions during excavation.

  1. Pool Construction

Establish the Foundation: When starting pool construction, lay a layer of gravel or sand under both swimming and regeneration zones to form a firm foundation and ensure an even surface for swimming and regeneration zones. Next, compact this layer to ensure its levelness and consistency before adding swimming pool equipment.

Install the Pool Liner: Use a flexible yet durable pool liner to fully encase both zones of your pool. This will prevent water seepage into the ground beneath your pool and ensure its structural integrity remains uncompromised.

Building Walls and Dividers: Construct the walls of the swimming zone from natural materials such as rocks or stones. Make a divider between the swimming and regeneration zones; this divider can be made out of gravel or natural stone and should allow water to move freely between these zones.

  1. Filtration and Planting

Establish Biological Filtration: Create a biological filtration system by installing a pump to circulate water from the swimming zone to the regeneration zone, where layers of gravel and sand will support plant growth while filtering.

Plant Selection: When designing a regeneration zone, choose an assortment of aquatic plants such as water lilies, cattails and reeds for filtering and oxygenating purposes. These species absorb nutrients while helping maintain clear, clean water conditions.

  1. Filling and Balancing

Step 6. Fill Your Pool Fill Your Pool The first step to filling and balancing a swimming pool involves filling it with clean, natural water from an approved source if possible; tap water can also be used, though initial treatment to remove chlorine and other chemicals may be required first.

Establish an Ecosystem: Allow plants and natural filtration system time to establish before using the pool, this may take several weeks or months depending on weather conditions. While doing this, monitor water quality regularly and adjust as necessary so the ecosystem remains balanced.

  1. Enhancing with Landscaping

Add the final touches to your natural pool with landscaping. Use native plants, rocks and other elements of nature to create an idyllic space around it that complements it perfectly.

Security Features: For children or animals that will be near your pool, add safety features like pool covers or fencing as a matter of priority.

  1. Maintenance

Regular Upkeep: Keep your natural swimming pool running smoothly by routinely monitoring its water quality, clearing away debris and trimming plants. Though natural pools require less chemical maintenance than their chemical-treated counterparts, regular care must still be given to maintain an ecosystem-friendly ecosystem.

Winterizing: For colder climates, take steps to winterize your pool by reducing its water level, covering it and protecting any plants within its regeneration zone.

Building a natural swimming pool is an eco-friendly project that brings the beauty of nature right into your backyard. By carefully planning and maintaining your pool, you can experience chemical-free swimming for both health and environmental conservation reasons. By going green with this natural approach to pool building, not only are you supporting local wildlife but also contributing to environmental preservation!

This post was written by a professional at Pool Stop Custom Pools. Pool Stop has been building custom swimming pools in the DFW area for over 20 years now. We have been consistently voted “Best pool designs dallas” in Rockwall by Living Magazine and its readers year after year. Our goal is to provide the community with the best design and construction technology available. Our team consists of the best and most educated professionals in the industry, across the board. Pool Stop offers a variety of services: New Pool Design & Pool Construction, Retail Pool Store, Pool Supplies, Water Testing, and Pool Cleaner Repair. Stop by today for a FREE Water analysis.