The heart of every home is in the kitchen. You give your family members gastronomic treats from this very place. It is for this very reason that you should also be extra concerned about its hygiene and maintenance. Invisible germs and bacteria can easily transfer from your countertops to the food. Moreover, staining and mold breeding are other issues that constantly pop up in a kitchen. In this article, we shall discuss how you can get a hygienic and healthy kitchen with pFOkUS products.
pFOkUS – one of the finest manufacturers of hard surface restoration products in the US, brings you an incredible range of tile and grout cleaners, sealers, maintenance and repair products that can help you achieve complete hygiene and sanitization of your surfaces, thereby ensuring a healthy kitchen.
This article is dedicated to restoring a kitchen thoroughly. The main areas that are vulnerable to dirt, stains, chips, mold, and etching are countertops and floors in a kitchen. The best way to disinfect kitchen flooring is by using pFOkUS products. Let us now read about how to use pFOkUS’ kitchen sanitizing cleaners and sealers.
Using pFOkUS Products to get a Healthy Kitchen
Eliminating Stains from Countertop and Flooring:
Kitchen countertops and floorings are often stained with food and beverage spills. These may lead to mold, mildew and germ breeding at the root level, if the stone is porous. Even on non-porous surfaces, superficial stains form that tarnish their beauty. Most cleaners available on the market are acidic, which lead to etching on the tile.
Just like the tile, even the grout gets dirty and stained due to its porosity. If you do not focus on cleaning the grout while cleaning the tile, the mold hidden there might spread on the tile surface quickly. You need to use a heavy duty deep penetrating cleaner for which does not cause etching on the surface. Imperia Deep Clean is an excellent pFOkUS Disinfecting Cleaner that performs deep-cleaning and sanitization, thereby helping you get a healthy kitchen surface.
Repairing Grout:
The next step is to check for cracks in the grout. If the grout has gone missing in some areas, water or spillage may get stagnant there, leading to mold breeding. You can use Sentura – a two part pigmented flexible solvent based epoxy/resin, formulated with a 1200psi adhesion to repair cracked or missing grout.
Sealing Grout:
Grout is a permeable substance which absorbs all the liquid spills leading to mold and mildew growth. It is necessary to keep the countertop and flooring grout away from stains to preserve the natural beauty of your surface else it will look stained. You can use Caponi – a pigmented grout sealing system that is built on a rock-solid 2-part solvent titanium resin/epoxy foundation, which penetrates deep into the grout lines while waterproofing the surface to prevent future staining. It is available in more than 40 color options.
Repairing Cracks on tile:
For repairing cracked tile on the flooring and countertop, you might have been stressed with finding the same colored tile in the market. Even if you do manage to have a spare tile, the pigment does not match. But you can pigment Sentura with Caponi to get your desired color and use it to repair the cracks and chips on your tile.These adhesives do not pop off from the surface and give a seamless effect.These fillers are also very sleek and make your surfaces look perfect and natural.
Waterproofing Natural Stone Tile:
This is done on natural stone tile only. After repairing the cracks and chips, you need to seal the entire surface. If you do not use a sealer, the countertop or flooring will again get scratched or stained. For sealing, you can use Celine – a topical solvent based sealer, which passes on a hydrophobic effect and waterproofs the surface. It shuts the pores and leaves the surface with a sheen and lustre.
Polishing Stone:
After the stone is cleaned and sealed, if you want to get back the lost sheen on your surfaces, you can polish it using Celine again. This sheen will last for a lifetime and you will never have to worry about staining issues or etching issues again.
Maintaining Kitchen Countertops and Floorings:
After you have deep-cleaned, repaired and sealed your natural stone tile and grout, you may still find superficial stains and mold on the surface. This can be maintained regularly using Imperia Maintenance and Valore Maintenance. Valore Maintenance is infused with 6.97% H2O2, making it a very strong and reliable maintenance cleaner.
All the products mentioned above are manufactured by pFOkUS. You can get detailed information on the products and directions of use from our website. Our products are so reliable that even D’Sapone – a leading restoration service provider in the US only uses pFOkUS products. So hurry up and get a healthy kitchen today!