
Power washing manual for dummies


  • Familiarity 

You need to be comfortable with the equipment. It is extremely important to go through the instruction manual and test the machine before you get started on the job. You need to study your surroundings and ensure that the high pressured washing doesn’t eat away at the paint. It’s best to depend on reputed companies like Zach power washing.

  • Pressure adjustment 

The pressure level can be adjusted depending on the surface that you are cleaning. If you want to wash away relatively weaker spots covered in dust and cobwebs, a pressure level of 1500-1800 psi will suffice. If you wish to remove the external peeling layer of paint, you might want to hike it up but the machine should be maneuvered skillfully by an operator. 

  • Cover all electrical outlets to prevent water damage 

Water and electricity are a deadly combination. You don’t want electric current to be leaking into the water which can cause fatal accidents. Use duct tape to cover all outlets to prevent the seeping of water or detergent. If you have a garden, consider taking the plants elsewhere. Alternatively, you can use a plastic sheet to cover them. 

  • Nozzle 

There are different kinds of nozzles equipped for different areas with varying degrees of pressure. Some are used for washing windows while others are adapted for cleaning with powerful chemicals.

  • Close all doors and windows 

It’s like going through a car-wash facility where you’re advised to close all doors and windows. The same rule applies here. Keep them closed until the job is completed or your house will end up getting flooded with water. Even seemingly benign holes or cracks in the windows have to be covered.

  • Not everything can be cleaned with water alone

Water is a good purifying agent but in the case of stubborn dirt and stains, chemicals like bleach goes a long way in tackling the space. You can also soak the surface with a combination of water and bleach before jet-spraying the grime out. 

  • Preferably use eco-friendly washing products 

Acids and chemicals do a marvelous job but if you can find eco-friendly products that do equal justice, go for the latter option.

  • Remove obstacles 

The amount of preparation is the same as a paint job. You will have to remove all vehicles, toys, playpens, etc. They’re hurdles that will come in the way of the job. You’ll be able to better navigate on a clear pathway. 

It is also important that you have a long chord.